Facility Rules and Policies
Visit the Edisto and Combahee Units of the refuge throughout the week. When staff are on-site at the Grove Manor, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, you have access to the contact station first floor where you can pick up brochures, maps and other information on the ACE Basin area. If staff are not on site, grounds and trails remain open to pedestrian access after 4:00 pm until sunset, on weekends and when the front gate is closed. You must park outside the front gate by 4:00 pm.
On occasion, for safety or management reasons, portions of the refuge will be closed. Some of the impoundment dikes and sensitive nesting areas will be closed seasonally to protect endangered species and other wildlife. For safety reasons, during the Edisto Unit scheduled hunts, areas are closed to visitors not participating in hunt activities.
Maintenance Shop and maintenance areas are closed to the public.