- Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge and Conservation Area4055 Wildlife Way Vero Beach, FL 32963-9446
- Driving Directions
Arbuckle Unit: A gated entrance exists and a parking area was enhanced with gravel and a boundary fence in 2016 on the east side of Old Avon Park Road. This entrance and parking area is located on the western boundary of Arbuckle Unit, just north of the centerline.
Hatchineha Unit: A gated entrance exists and a parking area was enhanced with gravel and a boundary fence in 2017 at the junction of County Road 542 (Lake Hatchineha Road) and the Hatchineha Unit’s main north-south road (Dairy Road).
Kissimmee Bend Unit: Currently, two entrances exist on the Kissimmee Bend Unit. The south entrance and parking area is located approximately ¾ mile west along NW 256 ST. The east entrance and parking area is located at the corner of NW 288 ST and NW 224 AVE.
Okeechobee Unit: Travel US Hwy 98, take NW 203rd Ave at the Bassinger Community Center, then left at NW 160 Dr (CR 68). Follow this road north until pavement ends. Follow the dirt road north for about 1.4 miles, then take a right on NW 256 St. Head east about 0.8 miles then head north through gate on the left. Parking will be 2 miles on the left.
Refuge Land7 days a weekSunrise - Sunset