Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, on the southern edge of the Great Salt Lake Desert, is covered with beautiful, lush wetlands fed by springs. The water is brackish and warm, creating a distinctive habitat for a rare native fish, the Utah chub. The springs and impoundments also attract a variety of duck species. Various units of the refuge are open to hunting of migratory birds, upland game and big game. Hunters may walk in or use small, non-motorized boats to access hunt areas in the wetlands, and they may walk into upland areas. As winter approaches, many of the impoundments freeze, making hunting difficult. Wigeon and mallard can be found on the refuge throughout the season and account for most of the daily bag. Recent studies have shown that northern shoveler and goldeneye contain high mercury levels, so these species should not be eaten. The refuge is a popular with hunters and non-hunters alike, so hunters are reminded to be particularly respectful of others. The refuge is along the famed Pony Express route of the mid-1800s, and many history buffs retrace this route each year. The road remains rough. Traveling by off-highway vehicle or horse is recommended.