Laws and Regulations
- Hours - Visitors are permitted only in the designated areas during daylight hours, unless otherwise posted.
- Trails are open to foot travel only.
- Service animals (those that have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability; the task(s) performed by the service animal must be directly related to the person’s disability) are allowed in all areas of the refuge that are open to the public, including refuge parking lots, road, trails, and visitor centers.
- Pets (non-service animals) are not allowed on refuge trails, boardwalks, or in the visitor center . Pets are only allowed to walk along Pleasant Plains Road and in parking areas on a leash not exceeding 10 feet at all times.
- Vehicles should be parked only in designated areas.
- Collecting, disturbing, destroying, or releasing plants, animals, or parts thereof, is prohibited unless specifically authorized under a special use permit.
- Camping and fishing are not permitted on the refuge.
- Drones - Launching, landing, or disturbing of wildlife by aircraft (drones) on the Refuge is prohibited.
- Groups -Groups of 10 or more must contact the refuge prior to visiting so the refuge can determine if the group will require a Special Use Permit.
- Organizations -organizations or individuals that charge a fee for programs on the refuge, regardless of the number of participants, must contact the refuge in advance to obtain a Special Use Permit.
- Marijuana on Federal Lands: regarding the use and possession of marijuana on Federal lands, possession of marijuana or use of any amount of marijuana along with all other Schedule I illegal drugs is still prohibited in Great Swamp NWR (Federal lands) to include but not limited to its facilities and lands. Violations are punishable by a fine or imprisonment, or both, 50 CFR 27.82 (b)(2), 16 U.S.C. 551, 18 U.S.C. 3559 and 3571.