Facility Rules and Policies

Please heed all posted signs and boundaries and note that those who violate Guam and refuge laws are subject to fines and/or arrest.

  • Overnight camping is prohibited.
Cultural Resources
  • Looking at and protecting Guam’s cultural heritage is encouraged.
  • Searching for, collecting, or destroying archaeological sites or items is not allowed.
Drone Use
  • Drones can be detrimental to wildlife; therefore, drone use is prohibited within National Wildlife Refuges.
  • Fishing is allowed within the public areas of the Refuge where Government of Guam rules and regulations apply. Rod and reel, throw net, spears, and Hawaiian slings are allowed in permitted areas. Gill or surround nets are prohibited.
  • The Refuge has several hiking trails. Please visit the Nature Center or stop by a kiosk to see all hiking trails.
  • The area east of Ritidian Cut and the Nature Center, including the coral reef, beach, and forest, are closed to the public for the protection of marine life and forest wildlife.
Marine Life
  • Collection of no more than 3 (three) empty seashells is permitted. Wear appropriate footwear when walking in the water to protect against spiny sea urchins and poisonous sea life. 
  • The collection of giant clams and Echinodermatas, such as sea cucumbers, sea urchins or starfish is prohibited. Collecting or damaging coral is prohibited.
  • No dogs or other pets are allowed.
  • The use of charcoal or any plant-based fires is prohibited.
  • Cooking is only allowed in metal containers (e.g., barbecue grills, butane stoves).
  • Ground fires are not permitted.
Plant Collecting
  • As part of recovery efforts from Typhoon Mawar, the collection of coconut and breadfruit is suspended until further notice (posted 1/3/2024).
  • Plant collecting without a valid permit is prohibited.
  • A free permit to collect plants is available at the Nature Center.
Swimming, Snorkeling, Diving
  • There are no lifeguards on duty. Enter the water at your own risk.
  • Stay near the shoreline inside the reef. There is no marked swimming area. There are strong rip currents and tidal surges.
  • Reef walking is prohibited, except while actively fishing. Do not go beyond the reef.
  • Please pack out your own trash! There is no trash service in the refuge.