Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1946 to provide habitat for migratory birds, wildlife, and plants native to the area.
Invasive Species Control: Refuge Closed March 18th-20th-25th-26th

Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge will be closed to the public on March 18th, 20th, 25th, and 26th.

The first day of invasive Hog Control efforts will occur on March 18th. Access to the refuge will be closed off for the duration of the Aerial Control process.

An invasive species is any plant or animal that has spread or been introduced into a new area where they are, or could, cause harm to the environment, economy, or human, animal, or plant health. Their unwelcome presence can destroy ecosystems and cost millions of dollars.

Bow Hunting
All you need to know about hunting at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge. Apply for a limited quota permit through TPWD here!
Hiking Trail
Hagerman offers over 9 miles of moderate to easy level hiking trails. Learn more about each trail and download trail maps here!

Visit Us

National wildlife refuges offer us all a chance to unplug from the stresses of daily life and reconnect with our natural surroundings. At Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, each season brings new sights and sounds that can help recharge your soul and lift your spirits. Take a relaxing cruise along Wildlife Drive on the shores of Lake Texoma to watch wading birds stalk their prey or a northern harrier glide over marshes in search of small mammals. Listen to the sounds of songbirds and insects while you stroll along one of five hiking trails. Every visit offers something different than the one before. What might you see today? 

Location and Contact Information


    Our Species

    Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge boasts an abundance of birds and wildlife native to the north Texas area. From colorful painted buntings and red-headed woodpeckers, to playful river otters and majestic bald eagles, there is always something to see on the refuge.