Wild Edible Foraging
Foragers may enjoy gathering fruits, nuts, berries, or mushrooms at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge for personal use. There is a one gallon (combined) limit per person/per day for what may be collected as you forage. Reminder: Some edible forage items are poisonous - if you are unsure, do not eat it!
Foraging rules:
- Digging of plants or their roots is prohibited
- Harming of any wildlife species (i.e., snakes) during foraging is prohibited
- Cutting or damage to trees or other vegetation not being legally harvested is prohibited
- Products harvested are for personal use only and may not be sold
A Word of Caution
Gathering wild edibles can be a very satisfying and tasty endeavor! Just remember, be sure of what you are collecting for food. There are several varieties of mushrooms and berries that are toxic and can make you very ill or even possibly result in death. If you are unfamiliar with a plant always reference a trusted resource. Books are a great resource and very helpful when making an identification. Reference more than one book before you eat a new berry or mushroom and pay attention to the entire plant. Look in a field guide for other fruits, nuts, berries or mushrooms that may look similar to your target species to be certain what you gather is safe to consume. If you are not 100% sure do not eat it.
Be safe and enjoy your wild harvest!