

Draft Compatibility Determination for Wildlife Observation and Photography, Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge

This CD covers visitation for the purpose of observing and photographing natural resources (including wild plants and animals, wildlife habitats, landscapes, cultural resources, and cultural activities) or public uses of those resources. “Wildlife observation” includes viewing of fish, wildlife...

Draft Compatibility Determination for Environmental Education and Interpretation, Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge

Environmental education (EE) includes on-refuge activities conducted by NWRS staff or authorized agents that use a planned process to foster awareness, knowledge, understanding, and appreciation in students about fish, wildlife, plants, ecology, natural sciences, and refuge management....

Draft Compatibility Determination for Commercial Tours, Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge.

Commercial tours (or ecotourism) consist of any fee-based service providing educational enjoyment of Refuge lands and waters to the visiting public. These services must aim to enhance the Refuge visitor’s knowledge and enjoyment of the key natural, cultural, and historical resources and the...

Hanalei NWR Wetlands Management and Waterbird Conservation Plan - Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

This document is 508 Compliant.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has completed a Wetlands Management and Waterbird Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment  for Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge.

The WMWCP describes the processes and procedures needed to achieve...

Hanalei Valley Viewpoint Ecological Risk Screening Summaries (ERSS)

The State of Hawaii Department of Transportation Highways Division (HDOT) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) developed an Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate the effects of constructing the proposed Hanalei Valley Viewpoint at Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge, NWR)....

Compatibility Determination for EE and Interpretation - Hanalei NWR

Environmental education (EE) includes on-refuge activities conducted by NWRS staffor authorized agents that use a planned process to foster awareness, knowledge,understanding, and appreciation in students about fish, wildlife, plants, ecology,natural sciences, and refuge management.


Compatibility Determination - EE and Interpretation - Comments and Responses - Hanalei NWR

Comments and Responses to Compatibility Determinations on environmental education and interpretation at Hanalei NWR

Comments and Responses - Compatibility Determination - Photography and Wildlife Observation -Hanalei NWR

Comments and Responses to Compatibility Determination on Photography and Wildlife Observation at Hanalei NWR

Compatibility Determination for Wildlife Observation and Photography, Hanalei NWR.

This CD covers visitation for the purpose of observing and photographing naturalresources (including wild plants and animals, wildlife habitats, landscapes, culturalresources, and cultural activities) or public uses of those resources. “Wildlifeobservation” includes viewing of fish, wildlife,...

Compatibility Determination for Commercial Tours, Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge

Commercial tours (or ecotourism) consist of any fee-based service providingeducational enjoyment of Refuge lands and waters to the visiting public. Theseservices must aim to enhance the Refuge visitor’s knowledge and enjoyment of thekey natural, cultural, and historical resources and the mission...

Commercial Tours Compatibility Determination 2024, Hanalei NWR - Comments and Responses

These are the comments and responses submitted during the 2024 Hanalei commercial tours compatibility determination planning process.