Due to a staffing shortage, the Visitor Contact Station at Harris Neck NWR will be closed until further notice. The wildlife drive and trails will remain open during normal hours, daily from sunrise to sunset, including Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
Please contact the Savannah Coastal Refuges Complex headquarters for questions or concerns. Email: SavannahCoastal@fws.gov; Phone (M-F, 8A - 4P): 843-784-2468.
Visit Us
National wildlife refuges offer us all a chance to unplug from the stresses of daily life and reconnect with our natural surroundings. Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge offers a variety of opportunities to explore and enjoy the great outdoors from sunrise to sunset every day. You can observe and photograph wildlife, fish, or during the season, hunt white-tailed deer.
A number of wildlife-dependent recreational opportunities are available to refuge visitors year-round including hiking, bicycling, wildlife observation and photography, fishing, and hunting during specified seasons.
Related Documents
Other Facilities in the Complex
Harris Neck NWR is one of seven refuges administered by the Savannah Coastal Refuges Complex which is headquartered at the Savannah NWR Visitor Center located in Hardeeville, South Carolina.
Rules and Policies
There are many fun and interesting things to do and see during your visit to Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge, but it is our job to ensure the habitat that our wildlife calls "home" is protected. Below are a few guidelines to help keep both visitors and wildlife safe.
- The refuge is open during daylight hours only; overnight use and/or camping (including campfires) are not permitted.
- Some areas may be closed seasonally to protect wildlife from human disturbance. Such areas are posted "Area Beyond This Sign Closed."
- Feeding, capturing, or harassing wildlife is strictly prohibited unless authorized by permit.
- Launching, landing, or disturbing of wildlife by aircraft (drones) on the refuge is prohibited.
- Dogs, cats, and other pets are not permitted on the refuge unless confined inside a vehicle.
- Picking or cutting vegetation is prohibited.
- All of the refuge's archaeological and natural resources are protected. Artifact hunting/collecting is not allowed.
- Automobiles must remain on the wildlife drive. Hikers and bicyclers are encouraged to stay on marked trails.
- Saltwater fishing and shellfishing are permitted in refuge tidal waters only.
- All freshwater ponds are closed to fishing.
- The refuge, unless otherwise posted, is open to hiking, biking, wildlife observation, interpretation, environmental education, and photography. It is also open, in certain areas and times of the year, to hunting and fishing; review refuge hunting and fishing regulations for details.

Harris Neck NWR is located just seven miles off of I-95 (Exit 67-South Newport) in McIntosh County, Georgia.
From I-95, take Exit 67 (South Newport) and turn south onto U.S. Highway 17, towards Darien/Brunswick. In less than a mile, turn left onto Harris Neck Road (just past the Smallest Church in America). Continue on Harris Neck Road for approximately 7 miles to the refuge entrance on your left.