Furbearer trapping occurs on the refuge under a limited permit trapping program and is an important management tool in meeting refuge goals and objectives. Wetland habitats, dike maintenance, and migratory bird management are influenced by furbearer management. The primary targets of the refuge trapping program are muskrat and raccoon, but other species can be taken pursuant to State of Wisconsin Trapping laws.
Horicon Marsh Trapping Auction - October 9th 2024
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS) will hold a public trapping auction at the Horicon National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center, W4279 Headquarters Rd. Mayville, WI 53050 on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. Doors will open at 5 p.m. to allow trappers the opportunity to ask questions and review information. The auction will begin promptly at 6 p.m. USFWS and DNR personnel will then review trapping seasons and regulations, unit boundaries, special conditions and restrictions pertaining to each individual unit before bidding. Trapping permits will be issued to the successful bidders following the auction. All USFWS and DNR trapping units will be sold to the highest bidder with a limit of one unit per trapper. Bidders must be at least 18 years of age at the time of the auction. Trappers who are bidding must be present at the auction and will be required to make full payment at that time. The USFWS will accept payments by check, money order, debit card, or credit card. No cash will be accepted. The DNR will only accept checks or cash. Both the USFWS and the DNR reserve the right to reject any or all bids.
The USFWS (Horicon National Wildlife Refuge) will offer 11 wetland units for bid at the auction. In addition to these units, one unit will be reserved for youth between the ages of 12 to 17 and one unit will be reserved (permit issued via drawing) for seniors or trappers with a disability. The drawing will be held at the auction. Trappers do not have to be present at the drawing. Seniors must be 62 years of age or older and trappers with disabilities must have a disabled hunting permit from the DNR. Upland trapping area permits will also be available free to any interested trapper.
Scouting on the refuge areas that will be open to trapping will be allowed on Tuesday, Oct. 8 and prior to the auction on Wednesday, Oct. 9; daylight hours only. Interested trappers must obtain a scouting permit before accessing the units. Scouting permits and unit maps may be picked up outdoors at the main entrance to the Horicon NWR Visitor Center on the scouting days. Scouting permits may also be requested via phone, email.
The 2024-2025 trapping seasons for all units and areas will be:
Raccoon, fox, coyote, weasel, skunk, opossum (no fisher or bobcat trapping on the refuge): Opens on Oct. 19, 2024 and closes on Feb. 15, 2025. Non-residents may not trap raccoons until Nov. 2, as per state trapping regulations. No open marsh trapping (>25 yards from the shoreline/dike toe) until Dec 1.
Mink and muskrat: Follows State of Wisconsin season dates for Central Zone. Opens on Oct. 26, 2024 and closes on Mar. 22, 2025. No open marsh trapping (>25 yards from the shoreline/dike toe) until Dec. 1.
Beaver and otter: Opens on Nov. 2, 2024 and closes on Mar. 22, 2025. No open marsh trapping (>25 yards from the shoreline/dike toe) until Dec. 1.
For more information, contact 920-948-4336 or sadie_odell@fws.gov.
Horicon Marsh State Wildlife Area (WDNR) Units
The DNR (Horicon Marsh State Wildlife Area) will offer 10 wetland units for bid at the auction. In addition to these units, one unit will be reserved for youth between the ages of 12 to 17 and one unit will be reserved (permit issued via drawing) for seniors or trappers with a disability. The drawing will be held at the auction. Trappers do not have to be present at the drawing. Seniors must be 62 years of age or older and trappers with disabilities must have a disabled hunting permit from the DNR. Upland trapping area permits will also be available. Trapping season dates and regulations are site specific. Please contact Eric Kilburg, DNR Property Manager at (920) 763-6405 for details.