Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge affords hunters the opportunity to pursue nearly every game species available in New York. Hunting is a primary public use of the refuge and an important wildlife management tool. Hunting can provide a quality recreational experience when pursued responsibly and instill a unique understanding and appreciation of wildlife.
Read through all applicable information and reference sheets below.
For hunters with disabilities
- Some areas are more accessible than others. Mowed dikes between the impoundments and service lands generally have packed soil and sometimes gravel surfaces. When dry, these areas may be accessible to wheelchairs or more easily walked. ATV's and other vehicles are not permitted.
- Hunters possessing a New York State Non-Ambulatory Hunting Permit may shoot a firearm from their motorized vehicles, along all public roadways that pass through the refuge as well as the section of Feeder Road that is open to vehicle traffic, in accordance with state permit restrictions.
- The refuge provides two off-road areas/blinds that can be reserved for use by non-ambulatory deer hunters. One is on Sour Springs Road, across from the Onondaga Nature Trail and one on Oak Orchard Ridge Road across from School House Marsh Overlook. To access these areas, a hunter must first obtain a Refuge Non-Ambulatory Hunting Access Permit, which must be displayed in the windshield of his/her vehicle. Permits may be obtained from the refuge office, 1101 Casey Road, Alabama, NY 14013. There is no fee for the permit.
- The refuge provides one waterfowl hunt blind for hunters with a permanent disability who possess or qualify for an America the Beautiful Access Pass.
- The refuge holds a the lottery draw for the accessible waterfowl hunt blind for the first two Saturdays. Hunters need to complete and mail or drop off a Waterfowl Hunt Accessible Blind applicationto the refuge office at 1101 Casey Road, Basom, NY 14013. Please indicate “Accessible Blind” at the top of the application. Applications will be accepted from Aug. 15 - Sept. 15. You can get the application from the refuge office or print the PDF version found in the Reference section below.
- To be eligible for the accessible waterfowl hunt blind on all other hunt days, hunters must call the refuge office and submit their name by 12:00 pm the day prior to the hunt. If more than one hunter submits their name, a lottery will be held and the selected individual will be notified that day prior to close of business. The permit allows for two helpers who may also hunt.
Visitors can participate in the following hunting activities on the refuge:
Deer Hunting
Possession of a refuge permit is not required, but hunters are still required to know and follow all refuge specific regulations which can be found on the Deer Hunting Fact Sheet. Deer hunting is permitted during the state of New York regular bowhunting, muzzleloading, and early anterless seasons. Information on the fact sheets may change year to year. Please check back periodically to make sure you are in compliance. We offer a non-ambulatory hunt permit which allows the use of two off-road parking sites. Additional regulations apply. (See References below.)
Upland Small Game/Other Migratory Bird Hunting
Possession of a refuge permit is not required, hunters are still required to know and follow all refuge specific regulations, which can be found on the Upland Small Game & Other Migratory Bird Hunting Fact Sheet. We allow upland game hunting of cottontail rabbit, grey squirrel, coyote, raccoon, skunk, opossum, fox, ringneck pheasant and ruffed grouse, as well as migratory birds other than waterfowl (woodcock, snipe, rail, and gallinule) on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State laws and refuge specific regulations. For information, contact the refuge office, pick up an Upland Small Game/Other Migratory Bird Hunting Fact Sheet at the headquarters, or download/print the PDF version in References below.
Waterfowl Hunting
We allow hunting of geese, ducks and coots in accordance with State laws and refuge specific regulations. Season dates and bag limits are set by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Waterfowl hunts are limited to lottery drawings on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays with the first two Saturday's being reserved hunts (see Waterfowl Hunting below). For information, please contact the refuge office, pick up a Waterfowl Hunting Fact Sheet at the headquarters, or download/print the online PDF fact sheet in the Reference section below. Fact sheets are updated from year to year so please check back periodically for updates.
A permit is required to hunt waterfowl on the refuge for which there is a fee.
Waterfowl hunters must have New York State Waterfowl Identification Card. Consult the New York Department of Environmental Conservation website for dates and locations of Waterfowl Identification Classes or replacement of Waterfowl ID cards.
The refuge is not open to waterfowl hunting during the State's nuisance goose season in September.
- Waterfowl Lottery Applications are online! The application process opens on August 15 and runs until September 15. To apply, please go to ourRecAccess page. There is a $5 online application fee to cover administrative costs. If selected, hunters need to bring a copy of their lottery win receipt with them on the morning of the hunt for stand selection.
- Waterfowl Hunt Stands: As the season approaches and habitat conditions change, we will try to provide more information regarding how many, and which stands will be open on our RecAccess page. You can also check the locations of the stands in the attached pdf on this page.
- Permit fees for refuge permits are $10 on Saturday and $5 on Tuesday and Thursday. Up to three hunters can share each permit.
Youth Waterfowl Hunting
The refuge offers a Youth Waterfowler's Program which consists of an orientation day in September or October, and the hunt, which is the Saturday of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Youth Hunt Weekend. The hunt is open to junior hunters (12-15 years of age) in the state of New York. There is no fee to participate, however, a permit is required for all youth hunt programs on the refuge. Participants must pre-register to be included in the hunt.
- The Youth Waterfowl Hunt Fact Sheet provides rules, regulations, general information and instructions on permitting. (See References below) Please see the Waterfowl Hunting Fact Sheet for updates on the morning blind draw for both regular season and the youth hunt.
- Youth Waterfowl Permits are now online! To apply, please go to our RecAccess page.
Turkey Hunting
Fall turkey hunting is now offered on the Refuge in alignment with NY State regulations. A refuge permit is required for spring turkey hunting on the Refuge. The Turkey Hunting Fact Sheet provides rules, regulations, and general hunting information for the Refuge. (See Reference section below)
- Spring Turkey Lottery Applications are online! Please go to our RecAccess page to apply. There is a $5 online application fee to cover administrative costs.
See References below to view/print the PDF version of the refuge Turkey Hunting Fact Sheet.
Youth Turkey Hunts
The refuge hosts the Youth Turkey Hunt in accordance with New York State's Youth Hunt days. Space is limited to 25 participants issued on a first come, first serve basis. It is open to junior hunters (12-15 years of age) in the state of New York. There is no fee to participate, however, a permit is required for all youth hunt programs on the refuge. For more information, please contact the refuge office, pick up a Youth Turkey Hunting Fact Sheet at the headquarters, or download/print the online fact sheet in References below.
- Permits are available from March 1 - April 1 and valid during the NYS Youth Turkey Hunt days. To apply, please go to our RecAccess page.