When Pacific salmon are running, brown bear densities can be among the highest recorded; as many as six bears per mile along some streams. Be bear aware and familiarize yourself with bear safety. Izembek National Wildlife Refuge is world famous for its brown bear hunting, but also offers one of the most distinctive waterfowl hunting experiences in the world. Most of the Pacific's black brant spends the summer here, and this is probably the best location to hunt these small, dark geese. Unusual duck species like eider, harlequin and Barrow's goldeneye can be found here in great numbers. More common ducks like mallard and pintail are also common. Hardy waterfowlers can find spectacular hunting in the fall, particularly at the 150-square mile Izembek Lagoon. Here, shallow, brackish water covers one of the world's largest beds of eelgrass, creating a rich feeding and resting area for hundreds of thousands of waterfowl. Many waterfowl hunters will spend the mornings and evenings pursuing waterfowl.
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