The flocks of waterfowl and abundant bears that attract hunters also lure those who prefer to watch or photograph wildlife. Izembek allows such visitors to pursue their interests while enjoying the experience of a true wilderness adventure in an area of unsurpassed scenic beauty. Backpacking and remote camping can be spectacular. However, caution should always be used in regard to rapidly changing weather conditions. Even during the summer months, high winds and heavy rainstorms are common. And, of course, the entire refuge is bear habitat; visitors should hike and camp accordingly.
Take a drive on a gravel road from Cold Bay to the Izembek Lagoon/Bering Sea side of the Alaska Peninsula. At Grant Point, overlooking the world famous Izembek Lagoon, the refuge has constructed a small observation building. Through the 360-degree viewing windows, visitors have the opportunity to view a variety of wildlife, including waterfowl, shorebirds, sea otter, seals, and both gray and killer whales. Interpretive panels help the visitor learn more about the variety of species found in the area, as well as about this important marine eelgrass lagoon environment. On the way there, you might also see caribou, ptarmigan, red fox and wolves.