  • Refuge Headquarters
    1 Izembek Drive Cold Bay, AK 99571-8249
  • A mini-visitor center at the refuge headquarters houses several wildlife displays; and a variety of maps and printed information is available to assist visitors. Refuge staff are always available to answer questions and provide information as needed. An interpretive display is also maintained in the Cold Bay airline terminal.

    Looking over a woman's shoulder as she takes a photo of a map display with her phone.
    A visitor to the Izembek Refuge office takes a photo of the map display. | Image Details
    Driving Directions

    Refuge Headquarters is located in Cold Bay, Alaska approximately one-half mile northeast of the airport terminal. There is limited vehicle access to the refuge itself via five primary gravel or dirt roads, totaling about 40 miles (portions of these require 4-wheel drive). Aircraft or boats are required for access elsewhere within the refuge. For example, Izembek Lagoon can reached from the community of Cold Bay by road through Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, and is also accessed by wheel-planes landing on unimproved beaches, and by boat. Off-airport air taxi operators and boat charters are limited. Contact the refuge for the latest information.

    Office hours
    Monday - Friday
    8:00 AM - 4:30 PM