Law Enforcement
Non-emergency complaints or violations on Lake Andes NWR lands, FWS Waterfowl Production Areas and Karl Mundt NWR lands can be reported to Refuge Law Enforcement at 605-487-7603 or 605-481-2347 (after hours).
State rules and regulations still apply while hunting or fishing on USFWS lands.
If you would like to report a Wildlife Crime, call 1-844-FWS-TIPS (397-8477) or email FWS_TIPS@FWS.GOV . The TIPS line is available 24 hours a day. When reporting, provide as much information as possible to include:
- When did it happen (date and time are very important!)
- What happened
- Where it happened, be as specific as possible
- Who was involved, describing persons (names if known), vehicles (license numbers are crucial), names of other witnesses.
You can also contact the South Dakota Turn in Poachers Hotline at 1-888-OVERBAG (683-7224) .