- Kern National Wildlife Refuge10811 Corcoran Road Delano, CA 93215
- Driving Directions
Traveling North or South from I-5, take exit 278 for CA-46E towards Wasco. Drive for 4.5 miles then turn left onto Corcoran Rd. In 10 miles, the Refuge Headquarters will be on your left. If you are traveling on CA-99 North, take exit 56 towards Glennville/Central Delano.Turn right onto Fremont St, then turn right onto Garces HWY and the refuge headquarters will be 19 miles straight ahead. If you are traveling on CA-99 South, take exit 56 towards Glennville/Central Delano. Turn left onto Ellington St, then turn right onto Garces HWY and the refuge headquarters will be 19 miles straight ahead.
Refuge HoursSeven days a week.From one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.Refuge Office HoursMonday through Friday7:00 am through 4:30 pm