Visitor Center Closure

The Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center will be closed to the public starting Sunday, December 15, 2024 through Monday, April 28, 2025

Visit Us

Visiting Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge can be the experience of a lifetime! It offers superb wildlife viewing, hunting, hiking, kayaking, fishing, birding, and camping. The 1.9 million acre Refuge can only be reached by boat or floatplane, and Kodiak weather is variable, so planning ahead (including being prepared to stay longer than expected) is important.

Visitor Center

We invite you to visit us to learn more about Kodiak wildlife and ecosystems in our exhibit hall, be amazed by the complete skeleton of a 36 foot Gray Whale, or catch a summer interpretive talk by our park rangers. Maps and pamphlets, including an island bird list, are available at the information desk, and we also have an award-winning 12 minute film about the refuge available for screening on demand. Our partner bookstore, Alaska Geographic, offers natural history-themed books, cards, gifts and educational curios and a portion of all sales directly support Refuge education and outreach programs. You can now also visit the Kodiak Refuge Visitor Center virtually. We invite you to take this 3D interactive tour!

Public Use Cabins

Cabins are a wonderful way to enjoy the Refuge and access excellent fishing and hunting areas. Kodiak Refuge's nine public use cabins are are accessible via boat or floatplane and equipped with oil stoves for heating, pit-style toilets and separate meat caches (cabins do not have electricity, plumbing, or cookstoves). Learn about and reserve a cabin at Recreation.gov or browse these direct links: Blue Fox Bay, Chief CoveDeadman BayLittle River, Little Waterfall Lake, North Frazer LakeSouth Frazer LakeUganik IslandUganik Lake, and Viekoda Bay (Note: some have reduced access in the winter due to ice. You will have to provide your own transportation, lighting, cooking stove, utensils, and fuel for heaters). 

HEATING: Most cabins are equipped with Nordic-brand stoves for heating. They can burn kerosene, heating oil, or automotive diesel (never use gasoline, Blazo, Coleman fuel, or similar products). 1-3 gallons per day is usually sufficient. Be sure to use heating stoves according to posted directions. 

CLEANUP: Haul out ALL trash, unused food, and fuel cans. NEVER bury garbage. Buried garbage may attract bears and create a safety hazard for you and/or future visitors.

Bear Safety

Areas in Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge host some of the densest populations of brown bears in the world. Before you visit the Refuge, or anywhere else you might encounter a bear, familiarize yourself with these essentials for traveling in Alaska's bear country and watch this Bear Spray Training video.

If you are already in Kodiak, stop by the Visitor Center to take advantage of our many FREE bear safety resources: 
  • Borrow an electric bear fence to keep bears out of your camp
  • Borrow a bear-proof food storage container (3 sizes available)
  • Watch the film Staying Safe in Bear Country
  • Speak to our knowledgeable staff for bear safety recommendations specific to your trip


Youth Education Programs

Salmon Camp

The mission of Salmon Camp is to educate Kodiak’s youth about the natural and cultural systems that define Kodiak’s geography and empower learners to investigate their own connections to this special place through hands-on learning, self-reflection and group discovery.

Salmon Camp Flyer

Salmon Camp Registration Packet

Contact Natalie Fath

FUN Program

The Families Understanding Nature (FUN) program is designed for ages 3-5 and their families. We meet weekly at the Visitor Center on Fridays from 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM. There is a new theme each week. Stories, songs, puppets, and crafts will be utilized for hands-on learning for little nature lovers on specific topics. The FUN program has been in existence since 1995.

Check our Facebook page for weekly FUN program announcements.

WILD Program

Program currently on hiatus

The Wildlife, Investigation, Learning, and Discovery (WILD) program is designed for ages 6-12. There is a new theme each time the program is offered.

Visitor Center Youth Activities

Drop in to the Visitor Center anytime during open hours to earn a Junior Ranger patch, do a scavenger hunt, or check out a FUN backpack.

Contact (907) 487-2626 to learn more.


Refuge Visitor Center
402 Center AvenueKodiak,AK99615

Refuge Visitor Center

Stop by to visit us and learn more about Kodiak wildlife and ecosystems in our exhibit hall, be amazed by the complete skeleton of a 36 foot Gray Whale, or catch a summer interpretive talk by our park rangers. Maps and pamphlets, including an island bird list, are available at the information desk, and we also have an award-winning 12 minute film about the refuge available for screening on demand. Our partner bookstore, Alaska Geographic, offers natural history-themed books, cards, gifts and educational curios. You can now also visit the Kodiak Refuge Visitor Center virtually. We invite you to take this 3D interactive tour!

rearticulated gray whale skeleton hanging in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge visitor center
Rearticulated gray whale skeleton hanging in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge visitor center | Image Details
Visitor Center Hours
Open: 12 - 4 p.m.
Open: 12 - 4 p.m.
Open: 12 - 4 p.m.
Open: 12 - 4 p.m.
Open: 12 - 4 p.m.
Federal Holidays
Refuge Headquarters
1390 Buskin River RoadKodiak,AK99615-6899

Refuge Headquarters

Refuge Headquarters is the administrative site for Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, but there's still plenty for visitors to see and do at this location! 

  • Check out the Little Free Library, located outside the front door, to pick out an environmental or conservation themed book.
  • Pack a lunch and head to our overlook for a spectacular view of the forest and ocean.
  • Follow the signs to explore our connector trails through the lush spruce forest to Buskin Beach, Boy Scout Lake, and many more places.
Driving Directions

From Kodiak city take Rezanof Drive south towards the airport and Coast Guard Base. Take a left on Buskin River Road and then the first left at the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge sign.

Refuge Headquarters Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Weekends & Federal Holidays