  • Lake Ophelia National Wildlife Refuge
    401 Island Road Marksville, LA 71351-4518
  • Driving Directions

    Lake Ophelia National Wildlife Refuge is located 20 miles northeast Of Marksville LA on Hwy 452.  From LA1 in Marksville take Highway 452 north towards the community of Brouillette.. Past the community of Brouillette, Hwy 452 will turn to gravel and is called Lake Long Road the refuge entrance is 1 mile from the where the pavement ends.  The refuge check station is located approximately 3.5 miles from where the pavement ends.

    The refuge office is located at 401 Island Road just west of Marksville, LA near the community of Fifth Ward. The office can be reached by taking LA. Hwy. 1194 south from LA. Hwy. 1, to Island Road.