Located in North Dakota, Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge serves as a waterfowl concentration point during spring and fall migrations, when tens of thousands of ducks and geese using the Refuge and surrounding lands. Large numbers of wading and marsh birds are also present during the summer months. During these times, the Refuge offers excellent opportunities for wildlife observation and photography.
Hunting and Fishing Information

Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is open to hunting and ice fishing in accordance with State and Refuge-specific regulations. Download the Lake Alice NWR Hunting and Ice Fishing Information for Refuge-specific details and a map

Visit Us

Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge is located approximately 18 miles northwest of the city of Devils Lake. Portions of the Refuge are open to hunting, with special regulations in place to provide resting, feeding, and nesting for waterfowl and other migratory birds. When winter returns to the prairie, Lake Alice is open to ice fishing when conditions allow. Anglers can enjoy fishing for northern pike, walleye, yellow perch, and white bass. 

Location and Contact Information


    About Us

    When first established in 1935 as an easement refuge for migratory birds, the Refuge was on private land. In the 1970s, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service began acquiring lands within the boundary of Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge. Currently, the Refuge provides 12,096 acres of shallow wetland and grassland habitat for numerous species of migratory birds and other wildlife. 

    What We Do

    Most of the area within the Refuge was farmed at one time or another, so very little native prairie remains. A mixture of grasses and legumes are planted and maintained to provide cover for a variety of ground-nesting birds, as well as winter shelter and food for resident wildlife. Due to record high water levels in the Devils Lake watershed for the past 20 years, all existing Refuge water control structures have been flooded, so water levels are not managed.

    Our Species

    Numerous species of ducks and geese can be observed in great numbers at the Refuge during peak spring and fall migration. Summer months also provide excellent viewing opportunities of local breeding birds species.