Wildlife Photography
"A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety" (Ansel Adams, A Personal Credo [1943]).
Opportunities for wildlife photography are located at or along the following places:
- the Wildlife Viewing Area
- Refuge Headquarters/Visitor Center
- Kenai Nature Trail
- Wildfowl Lane (the county road that runs through the refuge).
Visitors must follow refuge regulations to protect wildlife and their habitats while enjoying the opportunity to view and photograph them.
Two permanent photo blinds are located along the Kenai Nature Trail. Blind 1 is located one-third of a mile from the Visitor Center area on Pond 8; it sits on the edge of 5 acres of open water and marsh land and is sheltered to the east by cottonwood, aspen and alder trees. Blind 2 is located about 1.25 miles from the Visitor Center bordering Pond 10. The blinds are positioned on the edge of two different wetlands and face to the west. The blinds are not heavily used, as such, they are open to use on a first-come basis; no advance reservation process is in place.
Refuge staff thank the photographers who helped determine the design, construction, and placement of these photo blinds. Photographers are gently reminded that subjects and habitats are more important than photographs; nevertheless, there is always the potential to disturb wildlife. Refuge staff encourage you to embrace the ethical guidelines, i.e. access to public lands, field practices and truth in captioning, published online by the North American Nature Photography Association.
Commercial Filming and Photography
You may be a commercial photographer by our definition. Public Law 106–206 determines whether a filming activity is commercial or not by this central criteria: the agency considers if it is intended for a market audience for the purpose of generating income. The content of the material does not play a role in determining whether a permit is necessary. If you wish to do commercial photography on the Refuge, you may need to apply for a commercial activities special use permit. Please contact the Refuge for more information.