District Contact Information

Phone: (320) 693-2849

Fax: (320) 593-2552

Email: Litchfieldwetland@FWS.GOV

Key Contacts

Other General Contacts

Reporting Wildlife Crimes

For any immediate criminal activity or emergency on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service land, please contact your local authority for that area or dial 911. To report a problem on wetland management district wetland management district
A wetland management district is a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service office that manages waterfowl production areas in one or more counties. Waterfowl production areas are small natural wetlands and grasslands that provide breeding, resting and nesting habitat for waterfowl, shorebirds, grassland birds and other wildlife. The Fish and Wildlife Service acquires waterfowl production areas under the authority of the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act, primarily using funds from the sale of Federal Duck Stamps. The Refuge System’s 38 wetland management districts comprise thousands of waterfowl production areas – almost all in the Prairie Pothole Region of the Northern Great Plains.

Learn more about wetland management district
lands, please contact our district office at 320-693-2849.

Wildlife-related criminal activity should be reported to your local Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Conservation Officer or to federal wildlife officers through the FWS TIPS hotline or via email. 

Help Protect Our Wildlife! Turn In Poachers! 

Minnesota's ​Turn In Poachers (TIP), Inc.
USFWS Turn-In-Poachers (TIP) Line
Sick, Injured, or Orphaned Wildlife

Not all sick, injured, or orphaned animals require human intervention or rehabilitation.

It is important to minimize human impacts on animal populations. This often includes limiting human intervention during natural causes of animal injury or death. Interrupting food-web dynamics may result in cascading impacts on wildlife communities and ecosystem health. Dead or dying animals provide an important food source for many species of wildlife. While it is sometimes difficult to witness life and death in nature, a good phrase to keep in mind is, "If you care, leave it there!"

Please visit the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Sick, Injured, or Orphaned Wildlife page for more information.

Please do not attempt to rehabilitate wildlife on your own; special permits and knowledge are required. Always contact a licensed professional. You can contact the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota if you have questions about what to do. 

Our staff do not rehabilitate injured wildlife. We can try to help get you in contact with a licensed rehabilitator and in some instances, we may help you capture and transport the animal under certain circumstances. 

If you have found a deceased eagle, please contact our office to arrange pickup or dropoff. It is illegal to possess any part of an eagle, including feathers. 

If you have an injured raptor, please contact the Raptor Center in St. Paul. If you must handle or move an injured raptor before help can arrive, visit the Raptor Center website for safe handling procedures.

Raptor Center - University of Minnesota
Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota

Location and Contact Information
