The mix of wetlands, grasslands and forests on Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge creates perfect cover for the deer population. The refuge holds a managed white-tailed deer hunt in November for people confined to a wheelchair and people with amputations. While there are a limited number of permits available, those lucky enough to draw one can expect a successful and enjoyable hunt. Hunters may take one antlerless and one antlered or two antlerless deer only.
Loess Bluffs NWR Deer Hunt Application for Persons with Disabilities
A Recreational Opportunity for Permanent Mobility Impaired Individuals
The Managed Deer Hunt at Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is used to provide for a recreational opportunity. This opportunity is being extended to a portion of the nation's population that has a permanent physical condition that severely impairs their mobility. This hunt is an effort to provide for proper access, facilities, and other needed resources so individuals with disabilities can enjoy a safe and successful recreational experience.
Point of Contact
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge
Attn: Managed Deer Hunt
P.O. Box 158
Mound City, Missouri 64470
Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge, 660-442-3187, loessbluffs@fws.gov, FAX: 660-442-5248
Description of Proposed Area
Located 5 miles south of Mound City, MO, in Holt County, the hunt will take place within the boundaries of the 7,440-acre Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). The refuge serves as a resting, feeding, and breeding ground for migratory waterfowl and other wildlife. The principal refuge habitats are seasonal and semi-permanent wetlands, native warm and cool season prairies, bottomland woodlands, and uplands. The refuge includes the Loess Hills lining the Missouri River floodplain. The Loess Hills is a unique geological formation caused by wind-blown glacial soil, which supports remnants of Missouri's native prairie plants.
- The only device permitted during the hunt is a 40 Caliber or larger Muzzleloader or Cap-and-Ball firearm capable of firing only a single projectile at one discharge (multiple barrels, handguns, & scopes ok). Must be in accordance with Missouri hunting regulations.
- No hunting dogs or other pets will be permitted to be used for the hunt, nor will they be allowed in the area during the hunt.
Bag Limit
Two deer, either one antlerless and one antlered, or two antlerless are permitted to be harvested by each hunter. Only one antlered deer may be harvested by each hunter. Antlered deer must have at least one antler with at least four points.
The 2024 season is a 2-day hunt from Saturday, November 2, 2024 to Sunday, November 3, 2024. A pre- hunt orientation will be Friday, November 1, 2024.
Permit Information and Criteria for Eligibility:
- Successful applicants must purchase a managed deer hunting permit for the State of Missouri. A resident permit
- is $18.00 and nonresident is $276.50. NOTE: Permits must be purchased only if drawn for the hunt.
- Hunters with disabilities must possess a minimum Class P-2a disability certification issued by the State of Missouri or an equivalent certification from another state. A copy of the disability certification must be included with the hunt application. The certification requires a physical disability of a permanent nature that renders a person unable to walk 200 feet or more unassisted by another person or without the aid of a walker, crutches, wheelchair, or other device.
- Applicants must be 11 or older by the date of the hunt and be Hunter Education Certified. Apprentice Hunter Authorizations will not be accepted. Youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult sponsor (age 18 or older) who is hunter-education certified or exempt.
- The applicant will be required to provide their own personal assistant for the hunt to help with the harvest of the deer. Refuge staff and volunteers may not be available to assist throughout the two day hunt.
Application Procedure and Permit Notification.
- The eligible applicant will be required to provide completed Quota Deer Hunt Application forms (page 3). All information must be received by or postmarked by close of business Sunday, July 31, 2024.
- Nine (9) permits will be issued for the designated hunting blinds. The nine participants will be selected through a random draw process held at the Loess Bluffs NWR Office.
- Successful applicants will be notified by mail with a letter and packet of instructions by August 15th. Hunters and their assistants will be required to attend a pre-hunt orientation meeting to be held on Friday, November 1, 2024. Specific details for the orientation (time, location, etc.) will be included in the mailed letter and packet. Orientation will outline the special hunt instructions and cover safety requirements for the hunt. The refuge will randomly draw and assign hunters to their blind locations for the hunt weekend.
Hunting Areas/ Firearms.
- Hunters will be required to have an assistant with them throughout the hunt. The assistant will not be permitted to possess any weapon. Hunters and their assistants will be required to remain within their blind. The assistant may leave the blind to retrieve a harvested deer.
- Hunting from a vehicle is prohibited. All firearms must be cased and unloaded when transported in any vehicle (car, truck, ATV, etc.).
- All firearms will be unloaded until the hunter and assistant are safely seated inside the blind. Firearms must be unloaded upon departure of the hunter from the blind.
- Cellular phones are recommended for direct communication with refuge personnel in case of emergency or if assistance is needed.
Hunter Orange
All hunters and their assistants must wear Hunter orange at all times during the hunt. Hunter orange must meet or exceed what is specified in the State of Missouri hunting regulations.
Equipment Required
On each day of the hunt, participants will be assigned a specific hunt location with a blind set up. It is the responsibility of the participant and their assistant to bring with them any equipment and gear required to hunt and/ or harvest deer. No hunting gear or equipment, except the hunting blind, will be supplied by Loess Bluffs NWR.