Visit Us
The Waterfowl Production Areas in the Long Lake Wetland Management District are open to the public year-round. Wildlife-dependent recreational activities allowed on waterfowl production areas include hunting, fishing, and trapping in accordance with State regulations. Visitors may also enjoy wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation on these areas.
Location and Contact Information
- Long Lake Wetland Management DistrictC/O Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge 12000 353rd Street SE Moffit, ND 58560-9740
About Us
Long Lake Wetland Management District was started as part of the Small Wetlands Acquisition Program in the 1950s. The wetland management district wetland management district
A wetland management district is a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service office that manages waterfowl production areas in one or more counties. Waterfowl production areas are small natural wetlands and grasslands that provide breeding, resting and nesting habitat for waterfowl, shorebirds, grassland birds and other wildlife. The Fish and Wildlife Service acquires waterfowl production areas under the authority of the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act, primarily using funds from the sale of Federal Duck Stamps. The Refuge System’s 38 wetland management districts comprise thousands of waterfowl production areas – almost all in the Prairie Pothole Region of the Northern Great Plains.
Learn more about wetland management district includes three counties in south-central North Dakota: Kidder, Burleigh, and Emmons. Headquarters is located near Moffit, North Dakota at the Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge. The wetland management district is famous for its wealth of waterfowl-producing potholes and native prairie grasslands.
What We Do
The Long Lake Wetland Management District includes Waterfowl Production Areas and wetland and grassland easements on private land. Staff members also partner with private landowners to enhance and protect wetland and grassland habitats on both public and private lands.