Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge

Law Enforcement

Lost Trail NWR is part of the greater Northwest Montana Wetland Management District- Lake County. As part of the District, Federal Wildlife Officers seek to protect visitors and wildlife on the 4 National Wildlife Refuges and 15 Waterfowl Production Areas which make up the Complex. Officers at the Complex cover a vast area throughout the Flathead and Mission Valleys and enforce a wide array of regulations, with the emphasis on visitor safety and resource protection. You will also find our Federal Wildlife Officers giving fishing and hunting classes to the local schools and participating in biological or maintenance activities. Our officers seek to educate visitors whenever possible, but will issue federal violations when necessary. 

Make a difference and help protect your Refuge and your wildlife resources! Report wildlife violations and suspicious activity to an officer any time you see them. With over two counties to cover, every set of eyes is helpful to officers. To contact an officer in the event of an on-going violation, call 406-260-5192, 800-TIPMONT, or 911. In non-emergency events or for general law enforcement questions, contact the Lost Trail Headquarters at 406-885-8598 and ask to be directed to the officer who works in the area where you have questions. Please be advised that our officers are usually in the field, so leaving messages in their direct voicemail is often the best way to get in touch with one.