Ways to Get Involved

The Lower Suwannee Refuge sponsors Suwannee River clean-ups annually; our Friends group and community volunteers hit the Suwannee in a variety of boats. It's so satisfying to see those tons of litter in a trash receptacle rather than in the river. Helping to plant native long-leaf pines allows you the opportunity to return decades later to show your grand children the tall conifers you planted.  Sow the seeds of conservation with us!.  Become a volunteer or Refuge Friend to contribute your strength on behalf of America’s natural resources at the Lower Suwannee.


Getting involved at Lower Suwannee NWR will connect you to the natural world more than you could ever imagine. It could be through volunteerism or as a member of our Friends group.

General Volunteering and Resident, Camper Volunteering: contact the Refuge Office/Manager call +1 352-493-0238.

Pepper Busters Invasive Plant Control Team: contact the Refuge Office/Manager +1 352-493-0238.

Lower Suwannee Feral Swine Control Team: contact the Refuge Office/Manager call +1 352-493-0238.