Ways to Get Involved

Volunteers are an essential part of operations at the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. They perform many vital functions. With your help, we will enhance the quality of wildlife habitat and public use opportunities. Our program offers challenges for everyone and volunteers from all walks of life are encouraged to apply!  

If you have an interest in wildlife, enjoy working outdoors or with people, or simply want to contribute in some way, consider joining the refuge’s volunteer staff. Training and uniforms are provided — you supply the interest and time. Contact the refuge for more information. 


Volunteer Opportunities

Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge is seeking individuals with a passion to educate and engage with others. Candidates may be asked to assist, and sometimes lead, educational programming on and off-site. As such, individuals and couples must be comfortable with public speaking in front of...

Our Partners

The National Wildlife Refuge System is committed to building partnerships which encourage conservation and preservation of our natural and cultural resources. Partnerships with the Refuge System bring innovative approaches to solving land management and water disputes in the most environmentally protective manner. Scientifically-informed and technologically-based stewardship of our public lands, waters, wildlife and special places must be collaborative efforts between the Refuge System, other government agencies, and private organizations if conservation efforts are to succeed.

The refuge was established as an overlay of NASA's Kennedy Space Center. The refuge partners with NASA to conserve and protect wildlife and habitat in the area surrounding space operations.

In addition, the refuge partners with the Merritt Island Wildlife Association (MIWA) which is a Florida nonprofit corporation with the mission to: “Promote conservation, awareness, appreciation, and use of the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge and to support refuge programs.”