- Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge9981 Pacific Street Prairie City, IA 50228
- Driving Directions
Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge is located 20 miles east of Des Moines and 9 miles south of Interstate 80. From Des Moines, take Highway 163 to the Prairie City exit. Go straight from the off-ramp and follow the paved 4.5-mile entry road to the visitor center.
From I-80, take the Colfax exit and turn south on Hwy 117. Drive 6 miles following Hwy 117; turn right in Prairie City to continue on Hwy 117. Cross Hwy 163, and turn right on the paved entry road.
Please note that GPS units and online mapping services do not always give accurate directions to the refuge. If you have questions about how to get here from a specific location, please give us a call at 515-994-3400.Visitor Center is closed for an undetermined amount of time due to storm damage that occurred in July 2024. We will provide updates as they are available.Refuge lands, five-mile Prairie Wildlife Drive auto tour loop, roads, and walking trails.Open daily, year round including all federal holidaysDawn - dusk