- Ninepipe National Wildlife RefugeNinepipe National Wildlife Refuge Junction Of Montana Highway 212 And Hghway 93 Charlo, MT 59824-9401
Ninepipe National Wildlife Refuge is open daily during daylight hours (closes to all public use at night) with restrictions to access as follows:
March 1 - July 14
Areas along the north part of the Refuge, portion just south of Wildlife Viewing Site, open to access. All other areas, including portions of the ice, closed to all public use.
July 15 - to Start of Waterfowl Season
Entire Refuge open (except for offshore islands) Waterfowl Season
Entire Refuge closed to public access End of Waterfowl Season - end February Entire Refuge open Driving DirectionsNinepipe National Wildlife Refuge is located on the Flathead Indian Reservation with its northeast corner framed by Highway 93 (eastern boundary) and Highway 212 (northern boundary). To reach the Watchable Wildlife Viewing Area, located off Highway 93, drive 6 miles south of Ronan (1 mile south of the junction with Highway 212). Or from Missoula, take Highway 93 north about 50 miles. The entrance to the site is on the west side of the road.
The other main access point is Ninepipe Road, which is located across the dam on the northwestern edge of the Refuge, off Highway 212 just about 2 miles from the junction with Highway 93. A few parking areas and access points are located around the perimeter of the Refuge.Refuge HoursYear-roundSunrise-SunsetNinepipe National Wildlife Refuge Interpretive TrailWaterfowl Season (contact refuge staff for closure info)Closed