Visit Us
Visitors are encouraged to observe or photograph wildlife, fish, hike, cross-country ski, and snowshoe in designated areas when the Refuge is open.
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Other Facilities in the Complex
Pablo National Wildlife Refuge is managed by the Northwest Montana Wetland Management District as part of the Western Montana National Wildlife Refuge Complex. A Complex is an administrative grouping of two or more refuges, wildlife management areas, or other refuge conservation areas that are managed from a central location. Refuges are grouped into complexes because they occur in a similar ecological region, such as a watershed or specific habitat type, and have a related purpose and management needs.
For the Western Montana National Wildlife Refuge Complex, the project leader is stationed at Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge and oversees general management of the Complex. Refuge managers oversee the operations at specific refuges. Supporting staff, composed of administrative, law enforcement, refuge manager, biological, fire, visitor services, and maintenance professionals support all refuges within the complex.
The District headquarters is located near Ronan, MT, 59864. The phone number is 406-750-8242.
The Complex headquarters is located at Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge, 922 Bootlegger Trail, Great Falls MT 59404.
The refuges in the Western Montana National Wildlife Refuge Complex include:
Rules and Policies
Our number one priority at Pablo National Wildlife Refuge is the wildlife and their habitat. But we welcome the opportunity to share these resources with you. Therefore, we have a number of rules and regulations that help protect the resources as well as visitors. Please help by following all rules and regulations.
Refuge Regulations To help protect wildlife and wildlife habitat and ensure your safety, we ask that you please follow the regulations listed:
- Pablo National Wildlife Refuge are open to public use from sunrise to sunset, except during seasonal closures.
- Pets must be on a leash and under control at all times.
- Use of boats, float tubes, and any other floatation device is prohibited.
- Leaving or dumping litter, any dead animal, or fish or fish entrails on Refuge land is prohibited.
- Fireworks are prohibited.
- Fires are prohibited.
- Off-road travel (including vehicle travel on ice) is not permitted.

Pablo National Wildlife Refuge is located within the boundaries of the Flathead Indian Reservation about 2 miles south of Polson, Montana and 75 miles north of Missoula. Turn west off Highway 93 at Light Road, then north (right) on Skyline Drive to reach the southeast entrance. Or turn west on Reservoir Road to reach the east and northwest entrances.
GPS Coordinates to Pablo National Wildlife Refuge:
Southeast entrance – 47.626095, -114.134489
East entrance – 47.645657, -114.144316
Northwest entrance – 47.6493373, -114.170151