
A parking area and three interconnecting walking trails are located adjacent to Allison Lake and the visitor center. These trails are limited to foot travel and involve some moderate walking over uneven and hilly terrain. The 0.9 mile Allison Lake Trail and the 1.1 mile Pine & Creek Trails interconnect and provide foot access through mixed pine-hardwood habitat and views of Allison Lake. The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) Trail is 2.9 miles starting at Allison Lake and travels through an active RCW site. Cavity trees are characterized by accumulations of sap around the cavity and are marked by a painted white stripe around the tree at 4.5 feet high.

The Dragonfly Trail is 1-mile loop around the 10 acre pond. The Little Rock Hiking Trail, starting at pond 21 on the Wildlife Drive, is a 1-mile loop along a gravel road through open native grass fields and seasonally flooded impoundments. This trail is seasonally open from February 16 to November 14 and is closed during peak waterfowl use.

Allison Lake Trail

Trail Length (mi)
View Trail

Little Rock Hiking Trail

Trail Length (mi)
View Trail

Red-cockaded Woodpecker Trail

Trail Length (mi)
View Trail