Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1966 in cooperation with the State of Maine to protect valuable salt marshes and estuaries for migratory birds. Located along 50 miles of coastline in York and Cumberland counties, the refuge consists of 11 divisions between Kittery and Cape Elizabeth. The proximity of the refuge to the coast and its location between the eastern deciduous forest and the boreal forest creates a composition of plants and animals not found elsewhere in Maine. Major habitat types present on the refuge include forested upland, barrier beach/dune, coastal meadows, tidal salt marsh, and the distinctive rocky coast.

Rachel Carson NWR Seeks Public Comment on Draft Compatibility Determination

Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge is seeking public review and comment on a Draft Compatibility Determination for Commercial Tree Harvest. The refuge proposes opening to this use -where this use does not compromise the mission and operations of the national wildlife refuge national wildlife refuge
A national wildlife refuge is typically a contiguous area of land and water managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  for the conservation and, where appropriate, restoration of fish, wildlife and plant resources and their habitats for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans.

Learn more about national wildlife refuge
. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) will accept comments received or postmarked on or before November 8, 2024.

The Service prepares Compatibility Determinations to ensure that public and economic uses of national wildlife refuges do not interfere with or detract from the purposes for which each refuge was established. Compatibility Determinations also describe how these uses would contribute towards achieving refuge purposes and the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System.

Comments or requests for additional information may be made by email to Colin_McKevitt@fws.gov or U.S. Mail to 321 Port Road, Wells, Maine 04090, Attn: Colin McKevitt.

All comments received from individuals become part of the official public record. The Service’s practice is to make comments, including names and home addresses of respondents, available for public review during regular business hours. Individual respondents can request that we withhold their home address from the record, which we will honor to the extent allowable by law. If you wish to have your name and/or address withheld, you must state this prominently at the beginning of your comments.

-Attachment- Draft Compatibility Determination Commercial Tree Harvest, Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge

🌿✨ Exciting Update on Our Multipurpose Facility! ✨🌿
Service to open new Office and Visitor Center in Kennebunk, ME 

👋 Visitor Entrance: Get ready to be warmly welcomed by our friendly staff and volunteers! Here, you can also participate in our Junior Ranger Program, designed to inspire and educate the next generation of conservationists.

🖼️ Exhibit Hall: Step into an immersive experience that celebrates our natural world! Visitors will journey through exhibits featuring Rachel Carson, stroll through a forest, explore a salt marsh salt marsh
Salt marshes are found in tidal areas near the coast, where freshwater mixes with saltwater.

Learn more about salt marsh
, meet local community members, and end their adventure by the sea.

🛍️ Friends Nature Store: We’re proud to announce that the Friends of Rachel Carson NWR will host a nature store! This initiative will support visitor engagement and conservation efforts, providing you with unique finds that celebrate our environment.

🏫 Multipurpose Room: This space will be a hub for environmental education and conservation planning, bringing together community members to collaborate and learn.

🌲 Sense of Wonder Trail: We're particularly excited about this accessible community trail project! Designed by our Partner Schools, Enock Glidden, and Indigenous artists, this trail will feature nature play elements, stunning rest stops, and breathtaking views, ensuring a memorable experience for all.

We can’t wait to share more updates as we continue our journey. Thank you for your ongoing support! 💚

Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge and Great Thicket National Wildlife Refuge Berwick-York Focus Area Offer Hunting Opportunities 

Rachel Carson NWR and Great Thicket NWR are seeking public review and comment on its Supplemental Environmental Assessment (EA) for hunting. The refuges will eliminate use of lead ammunition for all hunting starting September 1, 2026. Until then, over the next 3 years we will provide outreach and education opportunities for hunters to learn about lead impacts and available alternatives. We will initially encourage the voluntary use of non-lead ammunition for hunting.

Please note that we have not made any significant changes to the previous September 2022 hunting plan -- there are no new changes to species, seasons, acreages, methods of take, or regulations. The Supplemental EA is focused on the further analysis of potential impacts of lead ammunition and utilizes the latest research and best available science where applicable. The updated information provides another opportunity for public review and comment; however, much of the written text transferred from the 2022 plan remains unchanged.

Draft documents are available online here:Final Hunt Plan 2023-2024

Become a Junior Ranger

Earn one of three junior ranger badges by completing the level of engagement that you choose.  Meet Rachel Carson, walk the trail through the forest, past the saltmarsh and end at the sea.  Explore animal tracks and bird calls as well as the Junior Duck Stamp Program. Bring your book to the visitor center where a ranger will issue you a badge.

Download your guide!  Remember if you print to set your printer to "print two sided and flip on short edge".

Also available in Portuguese

Visit Us

Coastal Maine is a destination for both national and international visitors. Visitors are drawn to the area's beaches, rocky coastline, and forests every year. Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge offers an alternative for those seeking solitude and a connection with nature. 

While our main purpose is to protect wildlife and natural resources, the refuge offers a variety of ways for the public to experience and appreciate its protected public lands including three main nature trails and many wildlife observation stations featuring every habitat type found on the refuge, hunting and fishing opportunities, interpretive and educational programs, a visitor information center, many volunteering opportunities, as well as other recreational activities.  

For information on trails, wildlife viewing and photography, and other recreational opportunities at the refuge, click on the button below.

Location and Contact Information

      What We Do

      Land Acquisition
      Across the country, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is interested in continuing the work of protecting natural and working lands, restoring habitat on open land and salt marshes and acquiring properties from willing sellers that lie in close proximity to existing refuge lands. Here in southern Maine, the refuge is currently purchasing lands and conservation easements from willing sellers. A conservation easement conservation easement
      A conservation easement is a voluntary legal agreement between a landowner and a government agency or qualified conservation organization that restricts the type and amount of development that may take place on a property in the future. Conservation easements aim to protect habitat for birds, fish and other wildlife by limiting residential, industrial or commercial development. Contracts may prohibit alteration of the natural topography, conversion of native grassland to cropland, drainage of wetland and establishment of game farms. Easement land remains in private ownership.

      Learn more about conservation easement
      is a transaction where the owner retains the land as their private property but conveys certain rights that protect the property’s wildlife habitat in perpetuity. We also gratefully accept land donations when they contribute to refuge purposes.
      If you would like to talk about the benefits of protecting your land and integrating it into the National Wildlife Refuge System, please reach out to me by phone or e-mail using my contact information below. I have attached links describing the work of the Rachel Carson NWR and our Realty Division for your review on the second page of this letter. I hope to hear from you soon!

      Karl Stromayer, Refuge Manager
      Phone: 207-206-6735
      Email: Karl_Stromayer@fws.gov

      Original Letter and Links 

      Our Organization

      A bright blue sky obstructed by fluffy white clouds reflected off of a stream shot from inside a kayak
      The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manages an unparalleled network of public lands and waters called the National Wildlife Refuge System. With more than 570 refuges spanning the country, this system protects iconic species and provides some of the best wildlife viewing opportunities on Earth.

      Our Species

      Southern coastal Maine contains a greater diversity of upland plant and animal species than any other part of the state. Yet, this biologically rich area is the most densely populated part of Maine, and continues to experience rapid growth. The refuge divisions, distributed along 50 miles of Maine's southern coast, lie in the heart of that region. Along with salt marshes the refuge supports other coastal habitats including dune grassland, beach, subtidal and intertidal mudflats, marine open water, tidal river, maritime shrubland, and upland forest. Those habitats provide critical buffers for the salt marsh salt marsh
      Salt marshes are found in tidal areas near the coast, where freshwater mixes with saltwater.

      Learn more about salt marsh
      and habitat for many aquatic and upland species of conservation concern. 

      Our Library

      2023 RCNWR Internship Flyer 508 Compliant.pdf

      2023 RCNWR Internship Flyer for Avian Monitor and Salt Marsh Interns

      Get Involved

      There are so many ways to get involved at Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge. Some activities may involve tasks such as winter rabbit tracking, habitat restoration, plant propagation, and invasive plant removal. Share your knowledge of the natural world by performing surveys or lend a hand at our visitor center by helping orient visitors to the area. We also host several volunteer days throughout the year that will appeal to anyone who would like to get their hands dirty. This is a great opportunity to learn about the refuge, what we do to protect wildlife and their habitat, gain experience, meet new people, and have fun!

      Please call (207) 535-9145, to sign up for the volunteer email list and learn more about the refuge. 

      Projects and Research

      Refuge staff conserves, creates, and restores habitats to benefit a diversity of wildlife. We focus on the highest priority lands; salt marshes, tidal rivers, forests, beaches, and thickets. These areas are home to many animals, both common and rare. Of course we don’t do it alone, we work closely with our conservation partners and communities.