Contact Us

Headquarters Address:       
27650B South Valley Road
Lima, Montana  59739       

Phone: 406-276-3536

Fax: 406-276-3538  

Refuge Manager: Michael Bryant

Assistant Manager: Vacant

Michael Bryant
406-276-3536, x103 

For U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Information 1-800-344-WILD

To report Refuge Violations, contact 406-276-3536 during business hours Monday through Friday.  If no answer or after hours, please call the National Wildlife Refuge System Violation Reporting Hotline at 1-844-FWS-TIPS (397-8477) or email 24 hours a day. For State hunting and fishing violations you may also contact TipMont at 1-800-TIP-MONT (800-847-6668) 24 hours a day.

Directions: Red Rock Lakes Refuge can be reached from the west on Interstate 15 in Montana (turn at the Exit 0 off-ramp towards South Valley Road). From the east, take US 20 in Idaho and exit at the Red Rock Road and follow the signs west to the Refuge. The distance to the Refuge Headquarters is about 28 miles from either direction. The road is a wide dirt and gravel road maintained only from about May through October. Access is limited or impossible due to snow after these dates. Careful consideration should also be taken if it has been rainy. Large motorhomes are not recommended due to rough road conditions in some places.

Key Contacts

Location and Contact Information
