Reelfoot Lake has become one of Tennessee's favorite destinations for outdoor enthusiasts, and readers of outdoor magazines are familiar with the many hunting and fishing opportunities offered on parts of the lake. Reelfoot NWR was created to provide a sanctuary for waterfowl on the northern...
Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge is located on a portion of Reelfoot Lake. A boat ramp is located at the end of the refuge auto tour route. Fishing season on the Grassy Island unit (southern unit) is February 1-November 14. Fishing season on the Long Point unit (northern unit) is March 16-...
Reelfoot NWR’s Wildlife Drive/Auto Tour is approx. 3.5 miles and is dubbed as “one of the best places to go birding in Tennessee” from a member of the TN Ornithological Society. This road winds through the bottomland hardwood forests. This area provides great habitat for a wide array...
Multiple boat ramps can be found on the Reelfoot NWR. One boat ramp is located at the end of the Grassy Island unit, and three boat ramps are at the Long Point unit. The Refuge offers great places for fishing.
Reelfoot NWR is especially ideal for canoeing and kayaking. Reelfoot NWR does not rent canoes/kayaks, but offers guided canoe trips from March 16th through May on weekdays for groups of 8-15 people. Reservations are required, and it is highly...
Archery programs, canoe trips, eagle tours, Jr. Ranger programs, and a number of workshops are offered to the public throughout the year. Call the Refuge for updates on programs. 731-538-2481.
Students and teachers always enjoy field trips at the...
Two hiking trails are available on the Reelfoot NWR. A short ¼ mile hiking trail is located at the Reelfoot NWR Visitor Center and showcases a variety of native warm seasons grasses and offers 3 interpretive signs and benches. Another trail is located nearby at Grassy...
Whether you are looking for the perfect sunset photo, beautiful landscapes, amazing blooms, or exciting wildlife action shots, Reelfoot NWR is the place to come!
Several picnic tables are can be found at the Reelfoot NWR Visitor Center. These tables are for students during field trips, but can be used by any visitor wanting to enjoy the peace and quiet of the outdoors.
We encourage educators, youth leaders, and scout leaders to consider the Jr. Duck Stamp Art Contest. It provides a science-based arts curriculum that emphasizes conservation of wetlands and waterfowl for students in grades K-12....
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