A young adult pulls back on a bow with an arrow drawn, an instructor standing behind him

Bring your bow and arrows to the Refuge free walk-up archery range located on the southeast side of the Refuge. Access the range from the South Woman Creek Trail. See the Trails and General Brochure map (English, Spanish) with archer symbol for location.

The range is an adaptive 3D target archery range, meaning you can shoot the target at different distances. The range is first come-first served and is free. Youth under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. One archer per shooting lane and shoot no more than 4 arrows at a time as a courtesy to others waiting.

Archery Regulations

  • Refuge hours sunrise to sunset.
  • Overhead shooting prohibited.
  • Do not shoot towards or harass wildlife.
  • Use of crossbows, spears, firearms, BB guns, and other weapons prohibited on archery range.
  • It is your responsibility to know all Refuge rules and regulations for the protection of wildlife and visitors.

Archery Rules

1. Follow archery shooting procedures.
2. Number of arrows in = number of arrows out
3. Only shoot at designated targets.
4. Always be aware of the target and what is beyond the target.
5. Always keep bow pointed toward targets.
6. Always draw bow with arrow parallel to the ground.
7. No broadheads
8. Anyone 16 and under must be under adult supervision.

Archery Range Rules

1. Use of Range is at your own risk.
2. Children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
4. Only bows and arrows (compound or recurved) are allowed.
5. No broadheads.
6. Shoot at designated lane targets only.
7. Maximum of one archer per shooting lane.
8. As an adaptive 3D archery range, you can shoot the target at different distances, however your shooting line should be in front of the bow rack.
9. As you shoot from different distances, be mindful of your surroundings and other people who may be shooting different targets. 
10. Always draw the arc parallel to the ground. 
11. Stop shooting immediately if people or wildlife come within sight of the range.
12. When recovering arrows, be aware of your surroundings.