Visit Us

National wildlife refuges offer us all a chance to unplug from the stresses of daily life and reconnect with our natural surroundings. Discover all that Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge has to offer and best of all it's FREE to visit! 

What to do if you have.....

30 Minutes: Hike the 1 mile Discovery Trail starting at the Visitor Center back patio, or hike Lake Mary Loop Trail (0.6 miles) with a boardwalk and piers overlooking the water.

45 - 60 Minutes: Take the 11-mile Wildlife Drive. Listen to the Wildlife Drive podcast along the way. 

1 - 1.5 Hours: Hike 0.6 mile Lake Mary Loop Trail and take the 11-mile Wildlife Drive.

2+ Hours: Take the 11-mile Wildlife Drive; park at one of the parking lots on 64th Avenue and hike the Lake Ladora Loop Trail or Rocky Mountain Greenway Trail.

See Wildlife Drive and Trails Map below

Kids, while visiting the Refuge, earn your Junior Ranger badge. Download the booklet  (English, Spanish) or stop by the Visitor Center Information Desk and pick up your Junior Ranger booklet. Complete at least 4 activity pages to earn your official Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge Junior Ranger badge. At the Visitor Center, stop in the Discovery Room for seasonal wildlife arts, crafts, and activities. 

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: Check out the Refuge Rules and Policies page to recreate responsibly. Remember to stay on the trails, no swimming or wading at Refuge lakes, only service dogs are allowed at the Refuge, bicycles and Class 1 e-bikes are permitted on the Greenway Trail and trails south of 64th Avenue, park in designated parking lots, and visitors must stay in their vehicle when viewing bison.


The Refuge offers a variety of wildlife-related activities seasonally or year-round. Click on the activity links below for details.

Related Documents

Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge - Wildlife Drive and Trails Map.pdf

Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge trail and 11-mile wildlife drive brochure/map with general information, rules, and regulations. Refuge Hours: Fall, winter, and spring sunrise to sunset. May 1 through August 1 sunrise to 8:00 pm.

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Folleto/mapa de senderos del Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Rocky Mountain Arsenal y recorrido por la vida silvestre de 11 millas con información general, normas y reglamentos. Horario del Refugio: Otoño, invierno y primavera, del amanecer al atardecer. Del 1 de Mayo al 1 de Agosto: del...

Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR Fishing Regulations Brochure.pdf

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Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR Junior Ranger Booklet English.pdf

Earn your Junior Ranger badge! Download the booklet or stop by the Visitor Center Information Desk and pick up your Junior Ranger booklet. Complete at least 4 activity pages to earn your official Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge Junior Ranger badge. If you are printing the booklet...

Other Facilities in the Complex

Rules and Policies

Visitor safety and wildlife conservation are top priorities at the Colorado Front Range National Wildlife Refuge Complex. At times, sections of the Refuges may be closed on short notice due to wildlife needs, weather, or special projects. The Refuges are subject to federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

To help make your visit safe and enjoyable, read the Refuge Rules and Regulations below for details about permitted and prohibited activities. You can also call the Visitor Center at 303-289-0930 (open Wednesday through Sunday from 9 am - 4 pm), and monitor the website for current hours of operation and alerts before visiting. We hope you enjoy your visit to the Refuge!


Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center 303-289-0930, Administration 303-289-0232
6550 Gateway RoadCommerce City,CO80022-4327

How to Reach Us

Visitor Center (Visitor Information, Passes, and Exhibits)

Headquarters (Administration)

Driving Directions

From Quebec Street, turn east on Prairie Parkway. From Prairie Parkway turn north on Gateway Road. Follow Gateway Road to the Refuge entrance.

Refuge Hours
Fall, winter, and spring sunrise to sunset. May 1 through August 1 sunrise to 8:00 pm
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day
Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve
Last entry at 11:30 am - Close at 12:30 pm
Visitor Center Hours
Wednesday through Sunday (closed on federal holidays)
9:00 am - 4:00 pm