- Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center 303-289-0930, Administration 303-289-02326550 Gateway Road Commerce City, CO 80022-4327
How to Reach Us
Visitor Center (Visitor Information, Passes, and Exhibits)
303-289-0930Headquarters (Administration)
303-289-0232Driving DirectionsFrom Quebec Street, turn east on Prairie Parkway. From Prairie Parkway turn north on Gateway Road. Follow Gateway Road to the Refuge entrance.
Refuge HoursDailySunrise to SunsetThanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's DayClosedChristmas Eve and New Year's EveLast entry at 11:30 am - Close at 12:30 pmVisitor Center HoursWednesday through Sunday (closed on federal holidays)9:00 am - 4:00 pm