Crystal Digging is closed until April 1 to protect endangered Whooping Cranes migrating through the refuge. The observation deck is open all year. All other access is not allowed.
There are many activities available at this refuge including: hunting, fishing, driving the auto tour, birding, watching wildlife, photography and crystal digging.
The Selenite Crystal Digging Area is open for crystal digging April 1 through October 15 from sunrise to sunset and is located 66003 Garvin Road, Cherokee, OK 73728. During this time and in specific areas, anyone can dig for free selenite crystals on the salt flats. Visitors are permitted to remove up to 10 pounds of crystals, plus one large cluster for their personal use. Visitors can still view the salt flats when the dig area is closed from the observation tower.
Seven trails and one auto tour are open from sunrise to sunset. Trails may be closed during controlled hunts, prescribed fires and for required maintenance. Five trails and the Harold F. Miller Auto Tour are open all year: Eagle Roost Trail, Hoot Owl Loop, Casey Marsh Trail, Sandpiper Trail and Jet Recreation Trail. Two fishing trails: Sand Creek Fishing Trail and Cottonwood Point Fishing Trail are open seasonally during April 1 to October 15. Fishing trails are only open for fishing.
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The Selenite Crystal Digging Area address is 66003 Garvin Road, Cherokee, OK 73728 and will get you to the gate. From the gate, drive about a mile to the dig area marked with bright orange signs that say Dig Area. Crystal digging is only allowed in the dig area, all other areas are closed to protect birds.
If your mapping app cannot find the address above, please use the coordinates: 36.710, -98.271.