Laws and Regulations
Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge is part of the National Wildlife Refuge System. The refuge system has special regulations about what you can and cannot do. You can find these regulations in the 50 Code of Federal Regulations - Subchapter C. The refuge has additional hunting and fishing regulations [50 CFR, §32.55(e)]
Refuges are special places where wildlife comes first. All activities allowed on refuges must be evaluated to make sure each activity will not conflict with the reason the refuge was founded.
Special Use Permits (SUP)
Permits are required to do special activities, to access a closed area and for all commercial activities. Permits enable the public to engage in wildlife-related activities while protecting wildlife. Some promote conservation by authorizing research, generating data, or allowing wildlife management and rehabilitation activities to go forward. They are free but take one week to process. Not completing a permit is prohibited.
For more information email Melissa Robell at or call (580) 626-4794.
Required for:
- General Activity - Woodcutting, fishing tournaments, one-time events, education activity, etc.
- Research and Monitoring - research and monitoring activities by students, universities, or other non-FWS organizations
- Commercial - guiding, agriculture, trapping, audio, video, and photographic products of monetary value
Commercial photography and filming:
All commercial activities require a special use permit. The refuge offers two types of free permits, an annual (good for one year) and one-time.
- Annual permits must occur in a public use area (ex: trail, auto tour) and occur from sunrise to sunset.
- One time permits include night photography and special salt flats access. The permittee is allowed to access the salt flats 25 feet beyond the Closed Area signs.
For all permits:
- Drones are prohibited.
- No litter allowed (ex: smoke bombs, confetti).
- Permittee must carry a signed copy while on refuge property.
- Artificial light must be preapproved.
Process and applications:
- Select which application depending on the proposed activity. For commercial photography on your application indicate one time or annual (General, Research and Monitoring andCommercial).
- Fill out the application as completely as possible with your contact information, specific date, time and refuge location. Email completed application to Melissa Robell at
- Permits will take at least one week to process. Permits are reviewed by the Refuge Manager and Biologist.
- If your permit is approved you must sign, review the special conditions, and return it to the refuge official.