Upcoming Events
We hold public tours, nature walks, presentations, and special events throughout the year. Check back here to see what events are coming up.
December 14, 2024 at 3:45pm: Evening Sandhill Crane Fly-in at Merced National Wildlife Refuge – 7430 W. Sandy Mush Road, Merced CA 95341
Join us on Saturday, December 14, at 3:45 p.m. at the Merced NWR for the ranger presentation and interpretation of the evening sandhill crane fly-in. Meet at the main entrance parking area for a presentation on the natural history of the sandhill cranes -- the bird naturalist Aldo Leopold called "wildness incarnate." Afterwards, participants will follow the park ranger along the auto tour route -- in their own vehicles -- to an ideal location from which to watch the cranes return to the refuge for their evening roost. The event should last 1.5-2 hours. There is no need to sign up. For more information call the visitor center at 209-826-3508, ext. 127, or visit the refuge website at www.fws.gov/refuge/merced for directions and more information.
January 18, 2025 at 4:15pm: Evening Sandhill Crane Fly-in at Merced National Wildlife Refuge – 7430 W. Sandy Mush Road, Merced CA 95341
Join us on Saturday, January 18, at 4:15 p.m. at the Merced NWR for the ranger presentation and interpretation of the evening sandhill crane fly-in. Meet at the main entrance parking area for a presentation on the natural history of the sandhill cranes -- the bird naturalist Aldo Leopold called "wildness incarnate." Afterwards, participants will follow the park ranger along the auto tour route -- in their own vehicles -- to an ideal location from which to watch the cranes return to the refuge for their evening roost. The event should last 1.5-2 hours. There is no need to sign up. For more information call the visitor center at 209-826-3508, ext. 127, or visit the refuge website at www.fws.gov/refuge/merced for directions and more information.
February 15, 2025 at 4:45pm: Evening Sandhill Crane Fly-in at Merced National Wildlife Refuge – 7430 W. Sandy Mush Road, Merced CA 95341
Join us on Saturday, February 15, at 4:45 p.m. at the Merced NWR for the ranger presentation and interpretation of the evening sandhill crane fly-in – the final fly-in interpretive event this season! Meet at the main entrance parking area for a presentation on the natural history of the sandhill cranes -- the bird naturalist Aldo Leopold called "wildness incarnate." Afterwards, participants will follow the park ranger along the auto tour route -- in their own vehicles -- to an ideal location from which to watch the cranes return to the refuge for their evening roost. The event should last 1.5-2 hours. There is no need to sign up. For more information call the visitor center at 209-826-3508, ext. 127, or visit the refuge website at www.fws.gov/refuge/merced for directions and more information.
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is committed to providing access to our public events for all participants. Please direct requests for sign language interpreting services or other accommodation needs to Jack Sparks (209/826-3508 ext 121 or jack_sparks@fws.gov) at least 7 days prior to a scheduled event.