Our Services

Sand Lake Wetland Management District in Columbia, SD, is offering, to all eligible applicants, haying opportunities on Sand Lake National Wildlife Refuge and 21 Waterfowl Production Areas (WPAs) in the following seven counties of north-eastern South Dakota: Brown (2 units), Edmunds (5 units), Faulk (1 unit), McPherson (4 units), Spink (4 units), and Sand Lake NWR (5 units).

 Haying will be used to manage grassland habitat and improve conditions for nesting waterfowl. Haying units range in size from approximately 8 acres to 75 acres and agreements last from one to two years.

To be considered, submit a bid by Friday, July 19, 2024. Completed bid forms must be mailed, emailed, faxed or hand-delivered to Sand Lake WMD, 39650 Sand Lake Drive, Columbia, SD 57433. Fax number (605) 885-6401.

Cooperators will be selected through an open and competitive process. Applicants will benotified of results by July 22, 2024.

For more information about opportunities on Sand Lake National Refuge, Brown County, Faulk County, Spink County, or Walworth County contact Sydney Hanna at (605) 885-6272 or sydney_hanna@fws.gov.

For more information about opportunities in Edmunds County, contact Shilo Comeau at (605) 885-6262 or shilo_comeau@fws.gov.

For more information about opportunities in Campbell or McPherson County, contact Nate Williams at (605) 885-6265 or nathan_williams@fws.gov.

Brown COUnty

Edmunds County

Faulk County

McPherson County

Spink county

Sand Lake Refuge