Fishing from boats is permitted year-round in Kingfisher Pond (non-motorized or electric motor boats only), the Savannah River and all tidal creeks, unless otherwise posted. Fishing from boats (non-motorized or electric motor boats only) within all other impounded waters and canals is permitted March 1-November 30. Bank fishing is permitted year-round throughout the refuge, unless otherwise posted. Only non-motorized boats and boats with electric motors are permitted on Kingfisher Pond and other impounded waters and canals. Water depths and fishing conditions vary according to the refuge’s management of impoundments for waterfowl and wading birds. Available species include largemouth bass, crappie, sunfish, bluegill and catfish. A Georgia fishing license is required for fishing in Georgia waters; A South Carolina freshwater fishing license is required for fishing in South Carolina waters (includes refuge impoundments and bank fishing from Laurel Hill Wildlife Drive). No additional refuge fishing permit is required.