  • Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge
    246 Seedskadee Road PO Box 700 Green River, WY 82935
  • Refuge headquarters offers restrooms and visitor information 7 days a week during daylight hours.  A visitors center / environmental education building with interactive displays and observation deck are open when staff is available.

    Driving Directions

    From South (Green River / Rock Springs areas)

    Head west on Interstate 80, nine miles after Green River turn north on La Barge Highway 372 (Exit 83). Travel 27 miles north on La Barge Hwy 372 and after the junction with Hwy 28 take the first right. Headquarters and Visitor's Center is 2.5 miles down the gravel entrance road.

    From North (La Barge / Kemmerer / Diamondville areas)

    From the intersection of Hwy 189 and Hwy 372, head east on Hwy 372. After eight miles the road will come to a 4-way intersection at Fontenelle Store, turn right and travel South on Hwy 372 for 13 miles. Just before the junction with Hwy 28 turn left onto the Seedskadee Entrance Road. Travel down graveled entrance road for 2.5 miles to Refuge Headquarters and Visitor's Center.

    From East (Farson / Hwy 28 / Lander areas)

    Head West on Hwy 28 at intersection of Hwy 191 and Hwy 28 in Farson for 25 miles.  Just after Hwy 28 crosses the Green River turn north (right) onto gravel road and travel 3 miles to Refuge Headquarters and Visitor's Center.

    For a map of the Refuge, see the general brochure or on our Refuge Regulations sheet.

    Visitors Center Hours
    Monday - Friday in winter
    8:00 am - 4:00 pm
    Monday - Friday in summer
    7:30 am - 4:00 pm generally, but varies with staff availability during field season, we recommend calling ahead
    Federal Holidays
    Refuge Hours
    Half hour before sunrise to half hour after sunset
    Hunters during hunting seasons
    One hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset