Law Enforcement
US Fish & Wildlife Service Federal Wildlife Officers regularly patrol Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge with the focus of visitor safety and resource protection. Officers enforce Federal Statutes and Regulations and all Wyoming State Laws associated with motor vehicles, hunting and fishing. You can expect to encounter a Federal Wildlife Officer anywhere on the refuge, as they often patrol in vehicles and boats as well as by ATV and foot. Feel free to contact any officer as they are often the best resource for on-the-ground information about local conditions and wildlife viewing opportunities.
Federal Wildlife Officers encounter a wide variety of violations on the refuge that stem from violations of hunting and fishing laws to general public use regulations. Refuge numbered routes are treated the same as state roadways which means if it is illegal activity on the highway, it is illegal on refuge roads. Motor vehicles are allowed only on numbered routes with no off-road travel permitted. UTVs/ATVs/ORVs all need to be licensed and legal to operate on state/county roads or considered 'street legal' from the state of residence. Collection or transportation of any plants, animals or other items found on the refuge is illegal except for legally taken wildlife. For specific regulation questions, contact Seedskadee Headquarters or any refuge officer.
Make a Difference
Help protect your Refuge and your wildlife resources. Report wildlife violations and suspicious activity. Every set of eyes is helpful to officers. Game violations can be reported to the local Wyoming Game and Fish Department warden or anonymously to the WGFD tip hotline at 877-WGFD-TIP (877-943-3847) or 307-777-4330 or the FWS tip hotline at 1-844-FWS-TIPS (1-844-397-8477). In non-emergency events or for general law enforcement questions or concerns, contact Seedskadee Headquarters (307)875-2187 x19 or x16. Please be advised that our officers are usually in the field, so leaving messages in their direct voicemail at (307)870-6723 or (307)413-6149 is often the best way to get in touch.