

A structure that looks like two teepees connected by a roof with a stone fireplace in between.
This library contains documents relating to the Show Pool Shelter decision at Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Included are the environmental assessment, finding of no significant impact, and other supporting documents.
2023 Seney National Wildlife Refuge Hunting Press Release
Attention Hunters

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding has provided an opportunity to do work needed to reduce fuel loads and maintain firebreaks on the refuge. Some of this work may occur during rifle deer season along roads that are open to hunters and hunt camps.


Press Release - Seney National Wildlife Refuge 2022 Projects and Closures 2022-04-18

Seney National Wildlife Refuge was fortunate enough to be one of the recipients of the Great American Outdoor Act Funds. These funds will allow us to complete much needed work on several refuge structures which have been on a maintenance backlog.

Seney National Wildlife Refuge General Brochure - Reduce Files Size

The reduced file size of the general brochure for viewing on phones or for slow internet connections.

Seney National Wildlife Refuge - General Brochure

The 2022 Seney National Wildlife Refuge General Brochure which shows a map of the refuge, history and natural history of the area, and rules and regulations on the refuge.

Seney National Wildlife Refuge Bird Checklist

Seney National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1935 for the protection and production of migratory birds and other wildlife. The refuge’s 95,238 acres include a rich mosaic of marshes, swamps, bogs, and forests, which provide habitat for over 200 species of birds. The refuge is known for its...

Seney National Wildlife Refuge - Whitefish Point Unit Bird Checklist

The checklist of birds for the Seney National Wildlife Refuge - Whitefish Point Unit.

The lighthouse at Whitefish Point in Michigan with a freighter on Lake Superior and Canada in the background.
Documents relating to Whitefish Point in Michigan. These documents relate to the Whitefish Point Unit of Seney National Wildlife, Michigan Audubon Society's - Whitefish Point Bird Observatory or the Great Lakes Shipwreck Society.
2013 Seney National Wildlife Refuge Habitat Management Plan

The Seney National Wildlife Refuge Habitat Management Plan provides a long-term vision and specific guidance on managing habitats for the resources of concern at Kirtland Warbler Wildlife Management Area, to facilitate continuity in management programs. Refuge background, resources of concern,...

2016 Seney National Wildlife Refuge and Satellites (Kirtland’s Warbler WMA, Harbor Island NWR, Huron NWR, and Michigan Islands NWR) Inventory and Monitoring Plan

This Inventory and Monitoring Plan for Seney NWR and Satellites is a step-down from the Habitat Management Plan (HMP) and documents the inventory and monitoring surveys that will be conducted from 2016 through 2031, or until the refuge's Comprehensive Conservation Plan and HMP are revised. The...

Hunt Brochure Seney National Wildlife Refuge

This hunting brochure, published in 2023, is valid until a new version is released.

Fishing Brochure Seney National Wildlife Refuge

This fishing brochure was released in September of 2023 and will be valid until a new fishing brochure has been released.