A diverse class of children look through microscopes on a table set up outside in a forest

For Educators

Is your school, youth, environmental or other group interested in learning more about the wildlife, plants, habitats and ecology of the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge? Contact Lori Nicholson, Environmental Education Specialist, at lori_nicholson@fws.gov, or visit the St. Marks NWR to check on program availability and reservation policies. Refuges are wild places, and we want to teach you more about them!

Environmental Education Programs & Field Trips

Attention School teachers, Homeschool groups and Scout leaders: Come to the St Marks National Wildlife Refuge for a FREE field trip! You can pick from one of our current education programs or our Environmental Educator can tailor your trip to fit what you are studying in the classroom. Each lesson incorporates a variety of hands-on activities into every program. Through multi-sensory experiences, audience interaction, fun animal bio facts and meaningful contact with Refuge Staff, all participants may experience a new awareness and appreciation for the natural world.

Educational Programs/Field Trips are:

  • Free
  • Correlated to Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
  • September - May (Tuesday - Friday) 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 pm.
  • Designed to accommodate between 15-50 students
  • Led by experienced educators inside Nature’s Classroom and outside in the area around the Nature’s Classroom or at the bay near the lighthouse.
  • Call Lori Nicholson at +1 850-925-6121 or email at Lori_Nicholson@fws.gov  for reservations.

School Outreach Opportunities 

Can’t go on a field trip. Don’t worry. Visit the Refuge without ever leaving your classroom! A St Marks National Wildlife Refuge Staff member will bring the Refuge to you! Schedule a supplement your classroom curriculum. See some topic ideas below. 

  • Adaptable Animals
  • Feathered Friends
  • Skins and Skulls
  • Reptiles and Amphibians
  • Web of Life
  • Birds & Worms
  • Digital Photography

School Outreach Opportunities are: 

  • FREE
  • September - May (Monday - Friday) 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Program length varies by grade level and program
  • Multiple Classes and/or grades preferred from each school
  • ALL programs can be adapted to serve each classes needs.
  • Call Refuge Ranger Lori Nicholson at 850-925-6121, or email Lori_Nicholson@fws.gov for information and reservations.

St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
School year 2022-2023
Environmental Education Program Information and Policy

We must follow both the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and CDC official requirements for masking and social distancing, please check CDC website for current regulations.

Guided Programs

  • All programs require a minimum of 15 students (age appropriate for the program reserved).
  • Maximum number of students for a program is two classes with not more than 50 students total. For groups with more than 50 you must schedule multiple days. Please submit a request form for each day requested.
  • Refuge programs are correlated to the State and National education standards.
  • Pre and post visit activities available upon request, at least 2 weeks in advance.
  • On-site programs will start at 10 am and conclude at approx. noon. (In cases where groups must travel a greater distance, we can adapt to fit their needs; however, we must be made aware of the late arrival time in advance.
  • Students must wear closed toe shoes to participate in programs. Students with open toe shoes will not be allowed on the trails or in the water.
  • Unless otherwise noted in brochure, schools/organizations are expected to provide at least one adult (over the age of 18) chaperone for each 10 students attending our educational programs.
  • Chaperones and teachers must stay with their groups the entire time of the program for both on and off-site programs.
  • Chaperones and teachers are expected to actively participate in the presentation of the programs under the supervision of the Refuge educational staff; this includes getting in the water for the coastal explorer and freshwater ecosystem programs. If adults do not go in the water, neither will the students.
  • Chaperones and teachers are expected to come dressed appropriately for the program requested, (i.e., no high heels or other open toe shoes are allowed; this is a safety issue) closed toe shoes are required.
  • Programs may be scheduled during the school year from Sept. 14 - May 15 Tues-Friday, starting at 10 am and finishing by 1:30 pm.
  • We ask that chaperones NOT bring siblings to the programs; this often causes distractions from the programs and keeps the parent from concentrating on their duty as chaperone, this may also exceed your maximum number requirements.

Self-Guided Programs

Due to the popularity of our programs and the availability of our staff, organizations that charge for their services (i.e., summer camps, and/or day camps), may schedule only self-guided programs. Refuge staff can train said organization’s facilitators to perform the program they require, if requested at least two weeks in advance. There will be no entrance fee charged for that organization to bring their group to the refuge for the self-guided environmental education program. To ensure the best program experience for everyone; self-guided programs still must register with the refuge so there will be no logistical problems of multiple programs taking place at the same time and location. Please note that refuge programs are given preference for locations and dates, others are scheduled as they come in.

**Policy subject to change as required by CDC/FWS requirements, staffing and logistical needs.