The Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) supports an expansive, intact peat bog system. The free flowing Sunkhaze Stream and its tributaries meander through diverse habitats including raised peat domes, grassy wet meadows, and floodplain forests before joining the restored Penobscot River. Mature upland forests surround the wetlands, protecting this unspoiled landscape for future generations of plants, animals, and people.
Location and Contact Information
- Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge103 Headquarters Road Baring, ME 04694
Our Organization
Our Species
The bogs and stream wetlands of Sunkhaze Meadows provide habitat for many wildlife species. Brook trout and American eel are native to the Sunkhaze Stream system. Beaver are especially abundant along Sunkhaze Stream and its tributaries, as evidenced by their lodges, dams, caches, and scent mounds. The wood turtle, a species of special concern in Maine, has been observed in the Sunkhaze Stream system.