Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge, located in Grenada and Tallahatchie Counties in Mississippi, was established with the main purpose of providing habitat needs for migratory birds, with an emphasis on waterfowl.

Visit Us

National wildlife refuges offer us all a chance to unplug from the stresses of daily life and reconnect with our natural surroundings. From hunting and fishing to wildlife observation, photography, and hiking, there is something for everyone at Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge. 

Location and Contact Information

  • Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge
    C/O North Mississippi Refuges 2776 Sunset Drive Grenada, MS 38901-2848
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    About Us

    Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge consists of 4,199 acres located in northern Mississippi. The lands which form the refuge are relatively flat and historically have been extensively cleared and drained for agriculture. Today, the refuge's largest unit is a patchwork of old fields and small scattered hardwood bottomland forests bisected  by the meandering Tippo Bayou. 

    What We Do

    Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge utilizes a host of scientifically sound management tools to address biological challenges. These tools span moist soil management to reforestation. 

    Our Species

    Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge is home to a variety of wildlife species associated with its habitat. The old oxbows and low-lying fields along Tippo Bayou flood each winter and hold large concentrations of waterfowl. Wood ducks, northern flickers, barred owls, and deer are common year-round residents. 

    Our Library

    Visit our digital library to view fact sheets and other refuge documents.

    Draft compatibility determination for forest management_tallahatchie-nwr-2024.pdf

    The Draft Compatibility Determination for Forest Management on the Harris Conservation Easement in Tallahatchie County, Mississippi is available for public review and comment from February 12 to 26, 2024.  Any comments may be submitted in writing to refuge manager Amber Floyd at amber_floyd...