During the 2024-25 season, hunters will need to pick up hunt brochures with permit application information from the Temporary Refuge Headquarters Office at 12411 SR 29 South, Immokalee FL 34142. The Temporary Refuge Headquarters Office will be open during the following days and times:
- M-F 8am-4:00pm (excluding Federal Holidays)
- Saturday, September 14 from 8am-noon
Saturday, November 16 from 8am-noon.
The 2024-2025 Brochures will be available starting September 3, 2024.
The Ten Thousand Islands NWR protects habitat for some of the most unique species on the continent, including endangered manatees, wood storks and sea turtles. This interesting habitat, consisting of small islands interlaced with small coastal waters also draws blue-winged teal, mottled ducks, ring-necked ducks, and other species each fall. About 4,000 acres are open to hunting, hunt areas are accessible from three water trails (Trail 1, 3 and 4) off the South side of US 41. Canoes or johnboats with a 25-horsepoer or less motor provide the best access to hunting locations. Taking time to learn the refuge is important for success as only a small number of ducks use the hunting areas.
Upwards of 50% of the historical marshes that once occurred in the Ten Thousand Islands Region have been lost in the last 75 years (mainly due to mangrove forest expansion), and hunter numbers have significantly increased since the Refuge was first established.
We are interested in comparing hunter harvest data over time to determine future management needs. We are asking all hunters to complete the Hunter Harvest Report form after each hunt day and submit all completed forms at the end of the season via email to floridapanther@fws.gov or drop off at the Temporary Refuge Headquarters office by March 1, 2025.
The Refuge is collecting Hunter Harvest Reports from hunters during this season to compare harvest data over time. Information may be used to direct future habitat management actions.