A Service employee leads a group on a hike; the attendees look through binoculars at wildlife

Our refuge hosts several ranger-led and volunteer-led opportunities; all programs are free and open to the public. Some programs are offered seasonally (waterfowl watch, owl prowl, bats of the refuge), while some are offered year-round (puddle stompers).

  • Owl Prowl (October - February) - join us to learn more about these nocturnal creatures and their amazing adaptations; go on an evening walk guided by our naturalist volunteers to try to see an owl at our refuge. Flashlights are provided; recommended for older children - adults; must be able to walk for 2 miles
  • Bats of the Refuge (July - August): hear from refuge biologists about bats our refuge; learn about bat adaptations and biology, why bats are so important in ecosystems, and current threats that bat populations face; program concludes with a bat walk on the refuge. Flashlights provided.
  • Puddle Stompers (Year-round, offered twice monthly): learn about wildlife and plants at the refuge through a new theme each month, featuring a craft, story, and short walk at the refuge. The refuge supplies "froggy" raingear for kids, including rain jackets and boots; recommended for kids ages 0 -5 and their families.
  • Waterfowl Watch (December - February): all ages; introduction to waterfowl identification, including how to use binoculars and guidebooks, and hear tips and tricks from biologists. Includes a walk on the refuge to test out and practice identification skills. Binoculars and guidebooks provided. 

See our events calendar to get exact dates and times of programs. All programs are free of cost, and located at Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge. Please contact tualatinriver@fws.gov or call (503)625-5944 with questions.