Fishing is a popular pastime on Umbagog Lake and the surrounding rivers, including the Androscoggin, Magalloway and Rapid Rivers. Please read our fishing plan to find the regulations for fishing on the Refuge.
Learn more about the Maine and New Hampshire fishing regulations on their websites:
Maine Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Help Preserve our Native Fisheries
Illegal fish stocking is devastating to our native fish populations, especially brook trout and landlocked salmon. White perch, crappie, bass, and northern pike are among many non-native fish species that are now destroying native populations in many New England waters. These predatory species eat our native game fish and harm the aquatic ecosystems. Moving any fish species from one body of water to another without a permit is a crime. Fines can be as high as $10,000. To report illegal introduction of fish, call Operation Game Theft at 1-800-253-7887.